It has been almost a year since I posted in this blog, and what a year it has been! Okay...last post was Easter time 2012 and my dad had just passed away and my big brother had just married his now wife of almost a year. Let's get a quick run down of life since then...
May 2012
-Turned 25
-Ran Marathon #2 (took my dad's place in the Pittsburgh marathon with Mom and Uncle)
Mom and I the day before the marathon |
-Ran into super cute guy from college who I hadn't seen in probably 4 years
-Little bro got engaged!
-Moved into adorable townhouse with two great girls
June 2012
-One year at FF!
-Started dating super cute guy from college
July 2012
-Little Bro got married! Zero to two sisters in 4 months
Little Bro and his wife! |
-Super cute guy from college met fam in VT at little bro's wedding
SCGFC and I before little bro's wedding |
August 2012
-Really into SCGFC
-Lots of training program-type things went on for work
-Mon Chu Chu got MARRIED
The BEAUTIFUL Mon Chu Chu and I at her WEDDING |
September 2012
-SCGFC PROPOSED! I said yes!!!
October, November, December - pretty much a blur as we prepared for the wedding. We visited family in Charlotte, celebrated Thanksgiving, I went to VT for Christmas, and brought in 2013 at shaHEEN's house in NC.
SCGFC and I getting ready for Ridgewood Turkey Trot |
January 2013
-Married SCGFC!!
-Honeymooned in San Francisco
-Moved into new home
-Last name is now SUPER easy to spell and pronounce
February 2013
-Joined a new, wonderful Life Class at church
-Lots going on at work
-SCGFC is actually the World's Best Husband
March 2013
-AM finally came home!
-One year anniversary of dad's death
-WBH and I are continuing to set up our home and loving every minute of it!
And here we are! I know that most people find blogs without pictures unbearable, so I will post better pictures here! WBH actually has a phone that takes decent pictures, so I will have to wait for a day that he is home and can get those guys up for you.
In all, it has been a crazywonderful year. What a story! And even more, a testament to grace. I hope to be able to keep you - mostly my mom :) - updated on what's going on in the Jones household and how God is blessing us daily.
Fight the good fight. One day at a time.