Two months ago I married a man who immediately became the World's Best Husband. I know we're still new at this marriage-thing, but I enjoy taking in everyday with my man. I was granted a precious gift in WBH and my hope is to show him how aware of that I am everyday. This is a man who loves me like no one else, plays with me, cares for me, cares for others, works hard and diligently at everything he does, takes care of our home, has big strong muscles to accomplish tasks that my not-as-strong muscles can't even try, surprises me with service, calms me with his patience, encourages, trusts, fights, and provides. He is strong, but his heart is gentle. He can do everything on his own, but showers me with applaud when I do something for him.
I could not ask for a more wonderful man to share life with.
I never want him to leave in the mornings and I count down the hours until we get to be together again. I look forward to every. single. thing. I get to experience with him. He's the most handsome man on the planet AND he makes me feel like I'm the prettiest.
We are aware that we are newlyweds and the future will hold unknown, difficult times, but I just wanted you all to know that we are loving life together so far and we are not waiting in anticipation for the ugly times. We are taking one treasured day at a time and praising the Lord for such an amazing gift.
Here's to all the two-month-versaries to come!
awesome!! <3