Well...Tuesday night I was driving home from work and as I was about to go straight through an intersection, a car from oncoming traffic decided to take a left in front of me. What went through my mind was really: "Why are you doing this, ninny? I'm not going to be able to stop in time. I'm gonna try. I'm tryin. Here I am -" BAM! Hit 'em. Roommate called, police called, really nice lady checking to see if I was okay, car starts alright (just looks bad), I can walk, other car's driver can walk, information given, roommate comes...and we're off to CHILI'S! Overall...a very successful Valentine's evening :).
But really, I am amazed at God's goodness in all of this. A year ago I would have been a basket case in the same situation, but with the trials and consequent refinement of character, I was a little shaken up, but very much at peace. I know that, even in this, God is sovereign...and not only sovereign, but very good. And I can rest in confidently in that. Besides the other mercies like - the lady I hit was okay and her family arrived quickly, my car is driveable until insurance stuff gets worked out and I can have it fixed, and nobody (as far as I am aware) was injured. Ptl.
On another note - there has just been the greatest sense of urgency to love and share the Gospel in my heart. Is anyone else feeling this? It feels like everyday could be the last one, anything could happen at any time, and the world needs to know. And I need to tell them. And I need to love SO big. Honestly, there have been times where I'll be looking at a customer I'm helping or talking with a friend and just love them SO much that I would do anything for them, I don't want to leave their presence, and I honestly and earnestly desire the most wonderful blessings for them. I pray that this doesn't fade. What an impact we would have on the world if we really did love like Jesus loved and has called us to love. I mean...for real. With this has also come the burning desire to serve abroad - like, I want to go now. My hope is to be able to go to Peru with a team from my church in June (I will update as this comes together) and I would welcome any prayers as this process begins.
39. Life chats at coffee shops
40. Playing guitar
41. Everyone's okay after accident
42. Kindness of a stranger
43. Silly roommate date nights
44. Beds made neatly
45. Reuniting after many months
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