I am so blessed. Seriously.
In the last week, I have found myself driving down the road, listening to choral music from my senior year All State Festival with tears flooding my eyes and racing down my cheeks at the goodness of God.
Things aren't perfect. Those of you who know me well enough to know what happened during my 2011 know that this life has been far from easy. Yet here I am.
Soul-rest. Heart-peace. I am full. And so the fullness runs down my cheeks because I can't say enough words fast enough to release it.
I am grateful - for sweet fellowship, for families to love and love me, for babies, for provision of every sort, for the greatest running store in Raleigh, for wisdom, for growth, for Truth, for every Word of this precious book, and a God who came to serve and give His life for us (who even does that?!).
I am surrounded by shiny things - even asphalt sparkles in moonlight.
1. Morning sun making long shadows through trees
2. Ducks flying
3. Geese talking like humans
4. Cool lake air on sweaty running-cheeks
5. Smiles from stranger-friends as we pass on the trail
I read her blog and have been wanting to read her book for forever. Maybe it's time I break down and get it. I'm glad you're blogging again, Shelly! You are such an inspiring person and I love hearing from your heart :)