Saturday, December 7, 2013

36 Week Update!

How far along? 36 Weeks, 2 days!

Total weight gain/loss: I am not completely sure, but I think I'm up 25lbs.

Maternity clothes? Mostly, but still wearing my running tights and capris and some t-shirts.

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL!

Sleep: Getting to be less good - I seem to only be able to sleep on my left side, but then I wake up aching with all the pressure on that side (and of course have to pee every time) and have a hard time falling back to sleep.  I am grateful that I am only mildly uncomfortable because I know many others at this point are in lots of pain when it comes to sleeping.

Best moment this week: We have some very exciting weeks ahead! But for this week - we had a fun time packing toys with our small group for a mission trip to Kenya that a group from church is taking.  We also had a great time at my work Christmas party and just getting to hang out with WBH is great.

Miss Anything? I think just not having to pee all. the. time.

Movement: He is really moving a lot and I can tell he is getting bigger and bigger because the movements are so big!  He is also capable of waking me up at night with a jab in the ribs - which, even though it is somewhat painful, doesn't bother me because it means he is strong and growing.  He's also been getting the hiccups quite a bit in there, which is really cute :).

Food cravings: I just want all food pretty much.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually no...feeling good!

Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Gender: Boy!

Labor Signs: Nothing so far - hopefully very soon!

Belly Button in or out? Still so far in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy! But I do get tired more easily.

Size of Baby: Counting from his estimated weight at 32ish weeks, he may be as heavy as 6.5 lbs! Not a clue about how long he is at this point.

Looking forward to: Baby showers today and tomorrow, lots of Christmas celebrations, and meeting this little man!!

And just for general Jones household news: We had a wonderful trip to Vermont for Thanksgiving!  The weather was much more bearable than I was expecting and we even hiked one day and ran the next and didn't freeze to death! It was great to see my mom and brothers and their ladies and mom's small group.  I can't wait to be reunited with family again. This month, WBH and I are excited to celebrate Christmas with both our workplaces, our small group family, and WBH's family.  We are also getting ready to pack up and move in mid-January (yep, just after baby is born).  It is a crazy and exciting time!

Hey!  This week it's not a selfie!
36 wks, 2 days
I understand that in this picture I am, in fact,
barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.  It's cool.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

33 Week Update!

Sorry I did not update last week! I thought about it briefly, but naturally things are getting busier this time of year and I find that I want to sleep if I ever have an extended amount of time free during the day - so I probably napped instead ;-).

How far along? 33 Weeks! Less than 50 days til little boy's due date!

Total weight gain/loss: I am not completely sure, but I am guessing between 20 and 22 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Yes, when they are clean!  I am trying to not have to buy an entire wardrobe, so I wear WBH's tees if I can or leave the bottom buttons of my coat undone, haha.

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL!

Sleep: Some good nights and some less good...I am DEF taking more naps now! (same) Also, we just got some delicious flannel sheets and I sleep MUCH better on them for some reason,

Best moment this week: LOTS of "best" moments. Had an ultrasound at dr appt on Tuesday and Dr said it was "Just beautiful!" Placenta has moved up (it was down at 20 weeks, so they wanted to recheck at 32), baby's head is down (though I guess he could still flip?), and heart rate was great!

Miss Anything? I just stopped being able to bend over without baby getting all in my ribs.  A couple days ago I was shaving and noticed that I physically could not bend over to reach my legs properly because there was a solid mass there!

Movement: Yes! More and more and I try to cherish every one :).

Food cravings: Doughnuts. For real.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually no...feeling good!

Have you started to show yet: Yes! Though I can still hide it with a hoodie or baggy enough shirt.

Gender: Tiny boy!

Labor Signs: I have experienced a few Braxton-Hicks contractions, but not actually anything related to labor yet.

Belly Button in or out? Still so far in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy most of the time, but ANYTHING can make me cry and I get frustrated way more easily...this is actually getting a little better though too :).

Size of Baby: They estimated he is 4 lbs 13 oz at the Dr. on Tuesday!  Wow! Almost 5 lbs!  They didn't do a length measurement, but most sites say he would be about 17 inches now. Crazy!

Looking forward to: Right now I am REALLY looking forward to going to VT for Thanksgiving and seeing my mom and brothers and sister-in-law.

And just for general Jones household news: I have the best husband in the whole world.  He is so patient and understanding and loving and makes me feel beautiful even when I know that I have kind of a weirdly distorted body right now.  He works hard at work and still helps so much with cleaning and cooking and taking care of our home.  I am so incredibly blessed to have him and thank Jesus every single day for such a wonderful (and super handsome) man!

Here is my bathroom selfie/bump picture for LAST week.  I will probably take one later today for this week and add it, but am too lazy right now:

32 weeks (11/7/13)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Week Update!

How far along? 31 weeks! 2 more months!

Total weight gain/loss: +17 lbs. Little bit less than before, I think just exercising a little bit more and being slightly more conscious of what I'm eating has contributed to this.  Don't worry, I am absolutely not trying to lose weight ;-).

Maternity clothes? Yes yes yes. They are so much more comfy and flattering!

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL!

Sleep: Some good nights and some less good...I am DEF taking more naps now!

Best moment this week: LOTS of "best" moments.  Baby's heart beat was good at doctor's appt, hangin' out with WBH, feeling good enough to run a few days this week, started our birthing class on Monday!

Miss Anything? Not a whole lot really...maybe fitting into some of my clothes.

Movement: Yes! I love feeling him move more and more and become stronger.  My favorite is when he kinda squirms around (vs. prodding).

Food cravings: Sandwiches!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually no...feeling good!

Have you started to show yet: Yes! I think I must have "popped out" this week because starting last Saturday EVERY customer I had asked when I was due, and yesterday I went for a walk and passed a lady at a bus stop that said "That looks like it could be a boy!  You workin' it, ain't you?!"  Hahaha, it is great!

Gender: Little mister!

Labor Signs: Nothing now.

Belly Button in or out? Still so far in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy most of the time, but ANYTHING can make me cry and I get frustrated way more easily...this is actually getting a little better though too :).

Size of Baby: A little over 16 inches and around 3.3 lbs!

Looking forward to: Right now I am REALLY looking forward to going to VT for Thanksgiving and seeing my mom and brothers and sister-in-law.  Also I was going to say Christmas music, but I have been feeling SO Christmassy recently that I broke it out earlier this week :).

Here is my bathroom selfie/bump picture for this week:
31 Weeks! Headin' out for some exercise on a beautiful day!

Just for contrast - this was 21 wks

Thursday, October 24, 2013

30 Week Update!

How far along? 30 Weeks!  10ish left to go.

Total weight gain/loss: +20 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Same as last time...Still wearing my stretchy exercise pants, but even some of them cut into my tummy.  Shirts are getting too tight.

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL.

Sleep: Actually only up to pee once a night now, but it takes me a very long time to fall asleep once I've gotten up.

Best moment this week: WBH and I watching my belly move all crazy as baby is getting bigger.

Miss Anything? I get a little jealous of people training for marathons and look forward to training for the Rock N Roll Raleigh Half with my hubby after baby boy is born!

Movement: Yes! He actually kicked/punched my right ribs hard enough earlier this week that it made me jump and let out a yelp.

Food cravings: Kinda craving more sweets (this could just be the weather though).

Anything making you queasy or sick: DEFINITELY more sensitive to how things smell.  If I over extend myself I get really overheated and dizzy (back achy too). Workin' on that.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, more now I think. I have had three customers comment about my pregnant belly without thinking twice, so that makes me feel like I look more pregnant and less just fat.

Gender: Baby boy!

Labor Signs: Nothing now.

Belly Button in or out? Still so far in.

Wedding rings on or off? On and I just got them cleaned, so they look extra pretty :).

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy most of the time, but ANYTHING can make me cry and I get frustrated way more easily. :-/

Size of Baby: About 16 inches and about 3 lbs! Can't believe it!

Looking forward to: Still all of those things from before, but even more wanting to meet this baby!

Here is my bathroom selfie/bump picture for this week:

29 wks 6 days (Sorry it's kinda hard to see)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Confessing an Anxious Heart

Over the past week (or more) I have been convicted about my general attitude toward many things.  Although I am abundantly blessed and have so much to be thankful for beyond what I could have ever dreamed, I find myself complaining or being easily frustrated and angered.  As much as I would love to blame it on the pregnancy hormones, I know this is not the character I was called to have regardless of what my hormones are doing.  Honestly, most of my anxiety comes from a lack of intentional time with Jesus and self-discipline.  I am called to love others (ALL others) deeply and selflessly, to serve, to be self-controlled, and to  "be anxious about nothing." These are traits that have not defined me as of late, and I am confessing this because I don't want the pattern to continue.

Having intentional time alone with the Lord the last few days, writing in my journal, and setting goals to help in the self-discipline areas that I struggle with has been so refreshing for my soul.  Instead of getting easily angered at a difficult customer or frustrated and overwhelmed with busyness at work, I am able to start off the day looking forward to the time I have with my amazing coworkers and meeting new friends on the fit stool.  I find that I am less on edge at home and can let things blow over before they start - whereas I had really been struggling to just relax and trust how much WBH loves me and our baby. My desire is to continue engaging in these quiet times and putting into practice what I know to be true, even when my silly, irrational emotions are trying to tell me otherwise.

I am truly blessed beyond measure.  I am so in love with my Savior, and so in love with my husband (I still count down the hours 'til I get to see him again each day).  I am grateful for a wonderful job with supportive and hilarious coworkers that make each day fun.  I am thankful for the life that is kicking in my belly right now. Our church body and life class has been one of the biggest, most surprising blessings of all in these last 9 months of our new marriage.  I am even thankful for the overcast weather we have been enjoying for about a week and a half now - it makes me feel cozy and Fall-like, and mixed with our pumpkin spice candle, it is beyond peaceful.

So this is not a baby bump update or really any post of insight, just me being transparent and throwing some thoughts out there as a nice gentlemen paints our front door and probably 131 spiders are crawling into our home (another reason I am grateful for my husband ;-) ).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

28 Week Update!

So a few months back, I had posted on Thursdays and said I was X number of weeks, 6 days...I was wrong.  I actually "age up" on Thursdays, so I was actually up to the next week by those posts.  So that means today I am...

How far along? 27 weeks 6 days - YAY third trimester!

Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs (I think I am still here, haven't weighed myself in a few days.  Doctor's appt on Tuesday will get us up to date).

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah.  Still wearing my stretchy exercise pants, but even some of them cut into my tummy.  Shirts are getting too tight.  I am SO excited that the weather is cooling down so I can wear Fall clothes and not be dying of heat - I gave up shorts a while ago.

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL.

Sleep: Same same - up to pee several times and sleep is definitely not as restful.

Best moment this week: I have been running a little bit! Just 2-3 miles here and there (maybe 3-4 times in a week), and averaging about a 10:40 pace, but I will take it!  My belly below belly button is usually sore afterward, but I am always glad when I've gotten out there!

Miss Anything? I get a little jealous of people training for marathons and look forward to training for the Rock N Roll Raleigh Half with my hubby after baby boy is born!

Movement: Yes! He's getting more predictable and I feel him more often, which is fun.  I still think he is pretty chill in there, just prodding at me here and there - and then every once in a while he goes bananas and kicks and punches real fast all over for a few minutes.  This makes me and WBH giggle.

Food cravings: I just eat like a lot...a lot.

Anything making you queasy or sick: DEFINITELY more sensitive to how things smell.  If I over extend myself I get really overheated and dizzy (back achy too). Workin' on that.

Have you started to show yet: I think so!  But still don't think folks that don't know me would guess I was pregnant.  It's a little awkward with some of my customers when they ask how much I run and I say "Not a whole lot since I've been pregnant-" and they respond, "Oh, you're pregnant? Cool..." and look me up and down.  I want to just say, "Yes! I am six and a half months pregnant, that's why my gut is stickin' out while I bend down to tie your shoes."

Gender: Little man!

Labor Signs: No no no. (I did have a dream I went into labor though.)

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy most of the time, but ANYTHING can make me cry and I get frustrated way more easily. :-/

Size of Baby: About 14.9 inches and about 2.25 lbs! He's growin'!

Looking forward to: SO SO much!  I will post below...

Here is my bathroom selfie/bump picture for this week:

In other Jones Family News:

WBH and I are just having a great time bein' in love and being thankful for SO many blessings that God has granted us.  WBH is the BEST (obviously, that's what the 'B' stands for).  I am so grateful for the way he loves me and BabyJ and takes care of us.  He is such a hard worker and is also really really handsome. He starts a new job on Monday that we are so excited about!  Our friends just had a healthy little boy last night and we can't wait to meet him and love on them. Next weekend we are going camping with our Life Class and the State Fair comes to town!  We are going to Vermont for Thanksgiving - I have not been to VT for Thanksgiving in years and years...I think 2007 was the last year I got to go.  We can't wait to share that time with family and friends up there!  Not long after that, we will celebrate Christmas with WBH's family in NC and then it's time for the little one to arrive just after New Year's!

This is such a whirlwind-of-wonderful-things season and we certainly have so much to be thankful for!

Monday, September 23, 2013

25 Week Update!

Remember how I said I would be back to update sooner last time?  Whoops.  SO apologetic.  We are now at 25 weeks and 4 days! Here's what's going on...

How far along? 25 weeks 4 days

Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs (that's what not a whole lot of exercise and eating as your heart desires gets you ;-) ).

Maternity clothes? Definitely way more comfortable and more flattering, but can still wear my jeans with the rubberband trick and most of my shirts.

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL. HowEVs, I did notice the skin on my tummy feeling tight the other day - it's gone away now, but I wonder if that's just the beginning...

Sleep: Peeing a lot, but not as achy in the abdomen.

Best moment this week: Heard baby's heartbeat again on Tuesday- still strong!  HE is also kickin' a whole lot more and all over the place!

Miss Anything? I get a little jealous of people training for marathons and look forward to training for the Rock N Roll Raleigh Half with my hubby after baby boy is born!

Movement: Yes! He's getting more predictable and I feel him more often, which is fun.

Food cravings: I just eat like a lot.

Anything making you queasy or sick: More sensitive to how things smell.  If I over extend myself I get really overheated and dizzy (back achy too). Workin' on that.

Have you started to show yet: I think so!  But still don't think folks that don't know me would guess I was pregnant.

Gender: BABY BOY!!!

Labor Signs: No no no.

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy most of the time, but ANYTHING can make me cry and I get frustrated way more easily. :-/

Size of Baby: About 14 inches and about 1.7 lbs! Once again, twice as heavy as last post! (This is for week 26, which is technically 3 days away, so subtract a lil from both of those numbers)

Looking forward to: All things Fall!!

Here are my bathroom selfies/bump pictures for this week:
25 weeks!
25 wks 2 days

25 wks 4 days
Okay, I will TRY to be more consistent in posting, I promise!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

21 Week Update!

Well...once again, we are a day shy of 21 weeks, but away we go:

How far along? 20 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: +10 lbs (dealin' with it).

Maternity clothes? Same as last time for the most part - not quite big enough to fill out maternity clothes, but very uncomfortable in regular clothes (especially bras :-( ).

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL.

Sleep: Not very great - still getting up to pee constantly and the last few nights my abdomen has been pretty achy...belly growing??

Best moment this week: Seeing this little one's cute face and learning that he or she is healthy and all is still well on Tuesday!  Heart rate was about 157 bpm.

Miss Anything? Being able to run without have to pee the. entire. time.

Movement: Yes! WBH and I BOTH felt the baby at 18 weeks 1 day! Such a blessing.  The movement is still not super consistent, and we found out at the doctor that it's because I have an anterior placenta- which means baby kicks the placenta instead of me most of the time.

Food cravings: Mostly salty foods (except for CTC at breakfast, that's even new).

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just if I don't eat regularly.  Otherwise good (huge blessing).

Have you started to show yet: Maybe a little bit, people that know me notice, but not obvious that I am pregnant if you do not already know (just looks like my tummy/boobs/thighs are larger).

Gender: Don't know yet!  We had the ultrasound Tuesday, but are having a Gender Reveal Party of Sunday!

Labor Signs: No no no.

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way. Although I am amazed that it is actually a little bit shallower.  Crazy times!

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy, 'cept if I'm stressed about work.

Size of Baby: About 10.5 inches and about 12 ounces. Hello, twice as heavy as last post!

Looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a boy or girl on Sunday!

Here are my bathroom selfies/bump pictures for this week:

I feel like I look more pregnant from this angle.

I will be back sooner this time to update after the reveal!  Everyone asks me what I think we're having, and I have honestly not had a clue, so today I decided I think we're having a boy just so I can have an answer.  What do you think??

Thursday, July 25, 2013

17 Week Update!

...Well, technically I am 16 weeks and 6 days, but assuming nothing crazy happens between today and tomorow, we'll go ahead and call this the 17 week Bump Update:

How far along? 16 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs (I will be honest and say this is super difficult and frustrating for me - I have a hard time curbing my cravings, and though I have started to exercise regularly again, I just feel huge.  Much of this is due to the fact that I gained about 5+ lbs before getting pregnant, and weight is something I've struggled with for a long time.)

Maternity clothes? Kind of...I can wear normal shirts fine, but most pants just cut into my fat and look really rough.  Feeling cute and not just large is a struggle (See weight gain section).

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL.

Sleep: Not very great - still getting up to pee constantly, but I have found if I manage to fall asleep on my side, I don't wake up as often.

Best moment this week: Hearing BabyJ's heartbeat at the doctor on Tuesday!  About 156 bpm.

Miss Anything? Being able to run without using run/walk intervals and riding bikes with WBH.

Movement: A couple times I've felt a little nudge that I am pretty sure is baby, but I don't feel confident enough to truly say that I've felt him/her move yet.

Food cravings: Good club sandwiches. Oh snap, I really want one of those right. now.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating frequently enough, otherwise I think I'm past the worst of it!!

Have you started to show yet: Husband says I am, but I think I'm just putting weight on from eating more than I ought.

Gender: Don't know yet!  We will find out in 4ish weeks (Aug 20)!

Labor Signs: No no no.

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way.  I feel like I have an endless inny.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy, 'cept if I'm stressed about work.

Size of Baby: 5 inches and almost 6 ounces! About the size of an onion.

Looking forward to: Feeling the baby kick for real and finding out if we're having a boy or girl!

Here are my bathroom selfies/bump pictures for this week:
Forgive the super awkward almost smile

Seriously not intending to make duck lips here

Making up for previous awkward smile and duck lips
That's all for now!  Sometime I will talk about day-to-day living in the Jones's household, but now I really need to try and find something around here that will taste somewhat like a delicious turkey club sandwich.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Five Months With The WBH...and the little one on the way!

Well, amazingly, it has been three months since I last posted, and yet again, there is SO much to share, but I will try to make all the long stories short (and if you know me, you know how hard this is).

I'll start with the 5 month marriage update -

Truthfully, much of this is the same as it was three months ago.  I still have the World's Best Husband and am grateful for every day with him. I never get tired of our life together and there is nothing I would rather do more than spend all of my minutes doing any and everything with him.  He is my best friend and the hardest worker I know.  He takes care of the tiny/creepy centipedes and spiders and honors me with sweet words and kisses.   It's great.  I love him.

 Exactly two months ago (April 26), I was feeling pretty weird all day long, and even though I didn't think this could really be the case, I grabbed a pregnancy test and took it as soon as I got home.  WBH and I were going out to a Sound Of Music Sing-a-long (I know, he's the greatest!) that night, so after I, ahem, peed on the stick, I ran around the house to grab everything for the picnic.  I came back after the obligatory two minutes to see what it said, and my mind. was. blown. I raced to pick WBH up at work and told him the news.  He claims he knew WELL before the test, but even if I thought it was a possibility, I definitely did not think it would be the case.  

We did a little celebrating, but were cautious.  I've had so many friends miscarry in the first trimester, so I was actually a little doubtful that there was really a baby in there. I waited to call the doctor for two weeks.  Finally we booked an appointment, and at that first appointment at about 6.5 weeks they did a few tests and then we talked to a nurse - nothing too crazy, but it was exciting.  Two weeks later we went back and got to see the little baby and hear his/her heartbeat!  This was an amazing thing!  I did not expect the baby to look like a baby at all and he/she totally did -squirming around and everything.

Baby J - 8 wks 4 days
It was at this appointment that we learned I had actually ovulated a week early.  So the answer to that question everyone wants to ask, but might not, is no, we were not planning to get pregnant at this time, but God's plans are much bigger than ours and we are grateful for His perfect timing.

I was feeling pretty miserable until the last week - not throwing up, but nauseated constantly.  WBH was AMAZING, as usual, and took such good care of me - making me breakfast before I got out of bed, being patient through my constant groanings, rubbing my back, taking me to whatever food sounded appealing at whatever time. Sweet sweet man, I would not have made it without him!  Weeks 6-11.5 will not be missed, this I can say with confidence.

And here we are!  I am 12 weeks, 5 days now and the little one is growing and healthy and kicking up a storm (I can't feel it, but we saw it yesterday at our 12 week appointment).  We know that children are a blessing and are amazed that God would entrust us with this life! Praise the Lord.
Baby J - 12 wks 4 days
How far along? 12 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: +2 lbs

Maternity clothes? My wonderful mom-in-law bought me some maternity clothes and I will wear a maternity shirt and shorts here and there.  I don't really need them, but they do feel more comfortable (and maternity shirt is much more flattering on my stupidly large boobs these days).

Stretch marks? Nothing that I haven't had since puberty ;-)

Sleep: This has been no good since before we knew I was pregnant!  I am up peeing an average of 4 times a night.

Best moment this week: Seeing BabyJ kickin' me at the ultrasound yesterday and hearing the heart beat again!  So active!  Definitely WBH's child :).

Miss Anything? Every once in a while if WBH has a beer it smells freakishly good to me.

Movement: We know he or she is moving quite a bit, but not feeling anything yet!  Little while longer.

Food cravings: Beef, grits and lemonade...I usually won't get anything but water at restaurants, and now I pretty much always get lemonade when we go out.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Some smells, and if I go more than two hours without eating I am down for the count (not really sure what that phrase means).

Have you started to show yet: Not really.  I have some pudge in my stomach, but I think it's mostly from bloat/not being able to exercise the last several weeks.

Gender: Don't know yet!  We will find out in 8 weeks!

Labor Signs: No no no.

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way.  I feel like I have an endless inny.

Wedding rings on or off? On - fingers feel the same right now.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Half and half, more easily irritated, but I am a very happy lady right now.

Size of Baby: About the size of a lime! A little over 2 inches head to rump, about half an ounce.

Looking forward to: Feeling the baby kick and Fall!

12 wks 3 days along!
Baby J is due January 2nd, 2014!  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two Months with the WBH

Two months ago I married a man who immediately became the World's Best Husband. I know we're still new at this marriage-thing, but I enjoy taking in everyday with my man.  I was granted a precious gift in WBH and my hope is to show him how aware of that I am everyday.  This is a man who loves me like no one else, plays with me, cares for me, cares for others, works hard and diligently at everything he does, takes care of our home, has big strong muscles to accomplish tasks that my not-as-strong muscles can't even try, surprises me with service, calms me with his patience, encourages, trusts, fights, and provides.  He is strong, but his heart is gentle. He can do everything on his own, but showers me with applaud when I do something for him.

I could not ask for a more wonderful man to share life with.

I never want him to leave in the mornings and I count down the hours until we get to be together again.  I look forward to every. single. thing. I get to experience with him.  He's the most handsome man on the planet AND he makes me feel like I'm the prettiest.

We are aware that we are newlyweds and the future will hold unknown, difficult times, but I just wanted you all to know that we are loving life together so far and we are not waiting in anticipation for the ugly times.  We are taking one treasured day at a time and praising the Lord for such an amazing gift.

Here's to all the two-month-versaries to come!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Year In Review

It has been almost a year since I posted in this blog, and what a year it has been! Okay...last post was Easter time 2012 and my dad had just passed away and my big brother had just married his now wife of almost a year.  Let's get a quick run down of life since then...

May 2012
-Turned 25
-Ran Marathon #2 (took my dad's place in the Pittsburgh marathon with Mom and Uncle)
Mom and I the day before the marathon
-Ran into super cute guy from college who I hadn't seen in probably 4 years
-Little bro got engaged!
-Moved into adorable townhouse with two great girls
June 2012
-One year at FF!
-Started dating super cute guy from college
July 2012
-Little Bro got married! Zero to two sisters in 4 months
Little Bro and his wife!
-Super cute guy from college met fam in VT at little bro's wedding                                    
SCGFC and I before little bro's wedding
August 2012
-Really into SCGFC
-Lots of training program-type things went on for work
-Mon Chu Chu got MARRIED
The BEAUTIFUL Mon Chu Chu and I at her WEDDING
September 2012

-SCGFC PROPOSED! I said yes!!!
October, November, December - pretty much a blur as we prepared for the wedding.  We visited family in Charlotte, celebrated Thanksgiving, I went to VT for Christmas, and brought in 2013 at shaHEEN's house in NC.
SCGFC and I getting ready for Ridgewood Turkey Trot
January 2013
-Married SCGFC!!
-Honeymooned in San Francisco
-Moved into new home
-Last name is now SUPER easy to spell and pronounce
February 2013
-Joined a new, wonderful Life Class at church
-Lots going on at work
-SCGFC is actually the World's Best Husband
March 2013
-AM finally came home!
-One year anniversary of dad's death
-WBH and I are continuing to set up our home and loving every minute of it!

And here we are!  I know that most people find blogs without pictures unbearable, so I will post better pictures here!  WBH actually has a phone that takes decent pictures, so I will have to wait for a day that he is home and can get those guys up for you.

In all, it has been a crazywonderful year.  What a story! And even more, a testament to grace.  I hope to be able to keep you - mostly my mom :) - updated on what's going on in the Jones household and how God is blessing us daily.

Fight the good fight. One day at a time.