Thursday, July 25, 2013

17 Week Update!

...Well, technically I am 16 weeks and 6 days, but assuming nothing crazy happens between today and tomorow, we'll go ahead and call this the 17 week Bump Update:

How far along? 16 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs (I will be honest and say this is super difficult and frustrating for me - I have a hard time curbing my cravings, and though I have started to exercise regularly again, I just feel huge.  Much of this is due to the fact that I gained about 5+ lbs before getting pregnant, and weight is something I've struggled with for a long time.)

Maternity clothes? Kind of...I can wear normal shirts fine, but most pants just cut into my fat and look really rough.  Feeling cute and not just large is a struggle (See weight gain section).

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL.

Sleep: Not very great - still getting up to pee constantly, but I have found if I manage to fall asleep on my side, I don't wake up as often.

Best moment this week: Hearing BabyJ's heartbeat at the doctor on Tuesday!  About 156 bpm.

Miss Anything? Being able to run without using run/walk intervals and riding bikes with WBH.

Movement: A couple times I've felt a little nudge that I am pretty sure is baby, but I don't feel confident enough to truly say that I've felt him/her move yet.

Food cravings: Good club sandwiches. Oh snap, I really want one of those right. now.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating frequently enough, otherwise I think I'm past the worst of it!!

Have you started to show yet: Husband says I am, but I think I'm just putting weight on from eating more than I ought.

Gender: Don't know yet!  We will find out in 4ish weeks (Aug 20)!

Labor Signs: No no no.

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way.  I feel like I have an endless inny.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy, 'cept if I'm stressed about work.

Size of Baby: 5 inches and almost 6 ounces! About the size of an onion.

Looking forward to: Feeling the baby kick for real and finding out if we're having a boy or girl!

Here are my bathroom selfies/bump pictures for this week:
Forgive the super awkward almost smile

Seriously not intending to make duck lips here

Making up for previous awkward smile and duck lips
That's all for now!  Sometime I will talk about day-to-day living in the Jones's household, but now I really need to try and find something around here that will taste somewhat like a delicious turkey club sandwich.