Wednesday, October 9, 2013

28 Week Update!

So a few months back, I had posted on Thursdays and said I was X number of weeks, 6 days...I was wrong.  I actually "age up" on Thursdays, so I was actually up to the next week by those posts.  So that means today I am...

How far along? 27 weeks 6 days - YAY third trimester!

Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs (I think I am still here, haven't weighed myself in a few days.  Doctor's appt on Tuesday will get us up to date).

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah.  Still wearing my stretchy exercise pants, but even some of them cut into my tummy.  Shirts are getting too tight.  I am SO excited that the weather is cooling down so I can wear Fall clothes and not be dying of heat - I gave up shorts a while ago.

Stretch marks? Not yet. PTL.

Sleep: Same same - up to pee several times and sleep is definitely not as restful.

Best moment this week: I have been running a little bit! Just 2-3 miles here and there (maybe 3-4 times in a week), and averaging about a 10:40 pace, but I will take it!  My belly below belly button is usually sore afterward, but I am always glad when I've gotten out there!

Miss Anything? I get a little jealous of people training for marathons and look forward to training for the Rock N Roll Raleigh Half with my hubby after baby boy is born!

Movement: Yes! He's getting more predictable and I feel him more often, which is fun.  I still think he is pretty chill in there, just prodding at me here and there - and then every once in a while he goes bananas and kicks and punches real fast all over for a few minutes.  This makes me and WBH giggle.

Food cravings: I just eat like a lot...a lot.

Anything making you queasy or sick: DEFINITELY more sensitive to how things smell.  If I over extend myself I get really overheated and dizzy (back achy too). Workin' on that.

Have you started to show yet: I think so!  But still don't think folks that don't know me would guess I was pregnant.  It's a little awkward with some of my customers when they ask how much I run and I say "Not a whole lot since I've been pregnant-" and they respond, "Oh, you're pregnant? Cool..." and look me up and down.  I want to just say, "Yes! I am six and a half months pregnant, that's why my gut is stickin' out while I bend down to tie your shoes."

Gender: Little man!

Labor Signs: No no no. (I did have a dream I went into labor though.)

Belly Button in or out? In, and will probably stay that way.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy most of the time, but ANYTHING can make me cry and I get frustrated way more easily. :-/

Size of Baby: About 14.9 inches and about 2.25 lbs! He's growin'!

Looking forward to: SO SO much!  I will post below...

Here is my bathroom selfie/bump picture for this week:

In other Jones Family News:

WBH and I are just having a great time bein' in love and being thankful for SO many blessings that God has granted us.  WBH is the BEST (obviously, that's what the 'B' stands for).  I am so grateful for the way he loves me and BabyJ and takes care of us.  He is such a hard worker and is also really really handsome. He starts a new job on Monday that we are so excited about!  Our friends just had a healthy little boy last night and we can't wait to meet him and love on them. Next weekend we are going camping with our Life Class and the State Fair comes to town!  We are going to Vermont for Thanksgiving - I have not been to VT for Thanksgiving in years and years...I think 2007 was the last year I got to go.  We can't wait to share that time with family and friends up there!  Not long after that, we will celebrate Christmas with WBH's family in NC and then it's time for the little one to arrive just after New Year's!

This is such a whirlwind-of-wonderful-things season and we certainly have so much to be thankful for!


  1. I had a dream that I went into labor too! It was all skittles and rainbows in the dream...not sure that will be the case! Hah!

  2. Haha, mine was similar! I was barely uncomfortable and went to the doctor who insisted that it was time for him to make his entrance. I was like, huh, this is less eventful than I thought it would be.
